82 research outputs found

    Development of crop production in the Slovakia and Czechia after the year 2004 in comparison with V4 countries

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    The V4 countries went through a transformation of their entire economies, including the agricultural sector, in the 1990s. Each of these countries approached the transformation of agriculture differently, but later the V4 countries’ approach to agricultural development was unified by the EU’s common agricultural policy. The aim of the paper was to compare the development of the production (sown area and hectare yield) of selected most commonly cultivated crops in Slovak and Czech regions (NUTS 3) in the period between 2004 and 2017. The development of production in these two countries was also evaluated against the trends of V4 countries. Based on these analyses, common and specific agriculture development trends in V4 countries were revealed. A chronological average was used to evaluate the average values of the monitored indicators in the period from 2004 to 2017 in Slovak and Czech regions. To express the development of the given indicators between 2004 and 2017, the change index was used and visualised cartographically. Regression analysis was used to show the development trends of agricultural production in the V4 countries. In general, the agricultural sectors in the V4 countries show similar characteristics with similar trends, and the average hectare yield has a modest growing trend. In terms of the structure of the cultivated plants, the size of the cultivated areas, the volume of production and the average hectare yields, there have been considerable changes to crop farming in Slovak and Czech regions. The study showed that the changes in the agrarian sector after the year 2004 conditioned by the entry of Czechia and Slovakia into the European Union were reflected in a decrease in crop production and an increase in regional disparities. From the point of view of the production indicator expressing the hectare yield of crops, Czechia achieves better indicator values than does Slovakia

    Effect of Oregano and Marjoram Essential Oils on the Physical and Antimicrobial Properties of Chitosan Based Systems

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    The effect of two essential oils (EOs), from Origanum vulgare and Origanum majorana, their structural properties, and concentration on physical and antimicrobial characteristics of chitosan based solutions as well as films was investigated. Results showed that significantly different behaviour was induced by variation in the compositions of given essential oils. Film-forming solutions (FFS) containing oregano oil comprised considerably greater particles in comparison with the marjoram samples. Similarly, structural changes were confirmed by SEM analysis of chitosan films modified with the EOs; the smaller particles of the marjoram oil demonstrated better compatibility with chitosan matrix. However, chitosan films enriched with the oregano oil showed significantly superior antimicrobial activity compared to the marjoram. The dissimilar effects of the two EOs were also observed by water vapour pressure (WVP) measurement; increasing the amount of oregano oil triggered a drop in the WVP of the prepared films, whereas the marjoram oil had a negligible impact in this respect. These results suggest that the structural features of active substances in the EOs play a crucial role in determining the final properties of FFS and biofilm systems. © 2017 Jana Sedlaříková et al

    „Ta naše písnička česká“ – hranice emického přístupu v terénním výzkumu

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    “That Czech Song of Ours” by Karel Hašler is a well-known song that arouses patriotic sentiments among Czechs all over the world. The aim of our study is to explore the situation in the Czech community in Croatia, a very interesting object of anthropological research, especially if the emic approach is used. The key concepts we examined in our qualitative research include “Croatian War of Independence” and “borders”. We also looked at the associated themes and problems. The Croatian War of Independence very much continues to be part of the community’s everyday life. It is still present, it is living history. In the language of our narrators, which is Czech, the Croatian War of Independence is referred to as the “Homeland War”.The emic approach thus helps us, as anthropologists and ethnographers, to understand why Hašler’s “That Czech Song of Ours” brings Czechs living outside of the Czech Republic to tears

    Thermal stability of prepared chicken feet gelatine gel in comparison with commercial gelatines

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    Gelatine is, due to its functional properties, currently widely used not only in the food industry (in the production of confectionery, dairy products, canned food) but also in pharmacy (soft and hard capsules) and cosmetics (creams, lotions) where it applies its ability to form thermoreversible gel stronger than most other gelling agents. What is more, it provides further excellent properties including emulsifying, foaming, stabilizing, film-forming, water and fat binding, texturizing, thickening, and adhesive attributes which makes it a very important hydrocolloid. Gelatine is obtained from the raw material of animal tissues containing collagen, usually mammalian skin or bones. For religious reasons in some countries, pork or bovine gelatine must be replaced by an alternative form, such as poultry or fish gelatine. The quality of gelatine is assessed mostly by the strength of gelatine gel which strongly depends on ambient temperature or humidity. Extraction conditions may also significantly affect the quality of gelatine. This study examined possible changes in the strength of gelatine gels prepared from laboratory-produced chicken feet gelatine and compared them with commercially available pork and beef gelatines at temperatures of 23, 29, and 35 °C at 60 and 80% humidity. While at 23 °C thermal stability of prepared chicken gelatine was monitored higher than in commercial gelatines, experiments at 29 and 35 °C provided equivalent results for chicken and commercial gelatines. Therefore, prepared chicken gelatine offers a significant potential to become an alternative to traditional gelatines. The information about gelatine gels thermal stability is of great importance for applications not only in the food; but also in the pharmaceutical industry. © 2020 Potravinarstvo Slovak Journal of Food Sciences

    Chitosan/thyme oil systems as affected by stabilizing agent: Physical and antimicrobial properties

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    Antimicrobial biopolymer films and coatings are of great interest for many applications. Different chitosan systems were prepared and characterized to evaluate the effect of their composition on the physical and antimicrobial properties. Three types of emulsifiers (Tween 20, 80, and 85) were used as stabilizing agents, combined with thyme essential oil (from two producers) applied as an active substance. A predominant role of the applied stabilizer and its hydrophilic-lipophilic balance value was proven. The incorporation of thyme essential oil and surfactant into the chitosan matrix led to a significant decrease of particle size in film-forming solutions, as well as a thickness increase and the enhancement of the barrier properties in chitosan films. Antimicrobial effects were provided even at the lowest tested concentration of thyme essential oil. Hence, the prepared chitosan films represent promising candidates in antimicrobial packaging applications. © 2019 by the authors

    Values and Attitudes Orientation of Czech Teachers and Students Focusing on Accepting or Rejecting the Otherness of Cultural and Ethnic Minorities

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    Studie zkoumá hodnotovou orientaci českých učitelů a studentů a jejich postoje k rozličným kulturním a etnickým minoritám v České republice. Domníváme se, že klíčovým problémem multikulturního vzdělávání je sdílení stereotypů a předsudků mezi účastníky edukačního procesu. Pro naše téma je nejdůležitější výchovně vzdělávací proces ve vztahu k sociálně znevýhodněným, kterými jsou např. romské děti, děti cizinců apod. Od září 2014 do června 2015 jsme realizovali rozsáhlé výzkumné šetření mezi žáky a učiteli základních a středních škol ve třech krajích České republiky. Hlavní výzkumný záměr spočíval ve zjištění a deskripci postojové a hodnotové orientace žáků a jejich učitelů vůči odlišným kulturním či etnickým skupinám. Naše předpoklady se potvrdily v případě nižší míry tolerance adolescentů k romské minoritě ve srovnání s ostatními etnickými či kulturními menšinovými skupinami, pedagogové i žáci vnímají soužití majority s romskou menšinou jako problematické. Ve vztahu k multikulturní výchově jsme dospěli ke znepokojujícímu zjištění, že pod ní učitelé obecně rozumí „učení se o jiných kulturách“, tzn. že se zdůrazňují rozdíly, namísto toho, aby bylo prezentováno, co mají tyto kultury společného. Důraz je tak kladen pouze na formování kognitivní složky postojů. Takový přístup vede k posilování stereotypního myšlení žáků, namísto rozvoje kritického myšlení.This study examines the values orientation of Czech teachers and students and their attitudes towards various cultural and ethnic minorities in the Czech Republic. We believe that one of the key issues facing multicultural education is the transmission of stereotypes and prejudice among those involved in the educational process. One of the most important of our topics is also the educational process in relation to the socially disadvantaged, e.g. Roma children, children of foreigners and the like. From September 2014 to June 2015, we carried out an extensive research survey among students and teachers of primary and secondary schools in three Czech regions. The primary research objective was to provide a description of the attitudinal and values orientation of young students and their teachers towards different cultural or ethnic groups. Our expectations were confirmed in the case of a lower degree of tolerance of adolescents to the Roma minority compared to other ethnic or cultural minority groups; both the teachers and their students perceive coexistence of the majority with the Roma minority as problematic. In relation to multicultural education, we find it particularly concerning that teachers generally understand it as “learning about other cultures”, which is based on emphasizing differences rather than the presentation of what they have in common. As a consequence of such an understanding, the emphasis is placed only on formation of the cognitive dimension of attitudes. Such an approach can result in promoting a stereotypical mindset of students, instead of developing critical thinking

    The Formation of an Inclusive Environment at Czech Schools as a Priority for Pedagogical Anthropology

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    Každý žák by měl bez ohledu na svůj sociální původ, etnicitu, barvu pleti, náboženské vyznání, gender či zdravotní handicap zažívat ve škole pocit rovnosti. To je jeden z předpokladů rozvoje inkluzivního vzdělávání, na jehož formování se v současném českém školství podílí mj. multikulturní výchova. V naší studii reflektujeme roli pedagogů a jejich vliv na formování hodnot a postojů jejich žáků, ve vztahu k jinakosti, přičemž se opíráme jednak o poznatky pedagogické antropologie, která jako aplikační věda podporuje proinkluzivní přístup ve výchově a vzdělávání, a jednak o zjištění plynoucí z našeho výzkumného šetření mezi pedagogy základních a středních škol v České republice. Výsledky ukazují, že pedagogové odmítají odpovědnost za utváření názorů žáků, přitom je zřejmé, že se svými žáky stereotypy o těch tzv. jiných často sdílejí.Every student, regardless of their social background, ethnicity, skin colour, religious belief, gender or disability, should experience the feeling of equality at school.  Equality is one of the requirements for the development of an inclusive education which is promoted e.g. by multicultural education in the Czech education system. In our paper, we reflect on the role of the teachers and their influence on the formation of their students’ values and attitudes in relation to otherness. We use the findings provided by pedagogical anthropology, which, as an applied science, supports the inclusive approach in education, as well as the findings of our own research conducted among Czech primary and secondary school teachers. The findings show that the teachers refuse to bear the responsibility for the formation of their students’ attitude. Moreover, they often share their stereotypes about “the others”

    Romové očima pedagogů základních a středních škol

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    The current views on the Roma expressed by Czechprimary and secondary school teachers In this article, we deal with the topic ofattitudes towards the Roma minority expressed byprimary and secondary school teachers. We presentthe findings of our research carried out in 2014–2015.First, we introduce the basic theoretical concepts behind the term “multiculturalism” as well as the broadterm “Roma identity”. We then describe our methodology and research techniques. In the central part ofour paper, we focus our interpretation on the specificways teachers perceive the Roma minority, such as theascription of characteristics or traits. Their perceptionis usually influenced by personal experience with Romastudents. We presume that the teachers’ attitudes caninfluence the attitudes of their students. We will alsoshow that their negative approach towards the Romacan be transferred onto the students in the form ofmisrepresentations and stereotyping